“According to a proven research by World Obesity Federation, it states that around 2.2 million of the deaths from the COVID-19 were in countries where adults were overweight”.

Putting on few pounds a year might not be an issue. But these few, when adds up together form overweight and obesity which leads to many health-related problems like diabetes, certain cancer and heart diseases. In 2020. A tragedy fell upon us which led us to some serious problems and obesity was one of them.

Weight loss Surgery Pakistan is committed to providing high standards surgical treatments and procedures performed by a team of experts.

This blog will serve you with all the health problems that individuals face as being obese people.

High blood pressure
High pressure mostly develops over time. When we start to make unhealthy choices for our lives, such as not exercising daily and consuming way too many fats. These poor habits lead to obesity and then straight to high blood pressure.

Heart Disease:
Obesity on a serious can change your cholesterol levels. One effect it does is that it lowers [HDL] cholesterol. This cholesterol is important for your body as it helps removing bad cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart stroke.

As being an obese person, heart and blood pressure aren’t your only enemy. Obese individuals have also a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes. While people with diabetes are more likely to be at risk of heart disease.

Sleep Apnea:
This is a condition in which a person faces difficulty breathing during sleep. A person with this condition suffers sleepiness and even heart failure as obesity is the most important factor for sleep apnea.

How to get started:
Calculate your BMI today using our Body Mass Index Calculator, and see what category you fall under. We will give advice to candidates with a high BMI, and advise on which obesity surgery procedure best suits their weight loss needs.

Our patients succeed due to our excellent bariatric surgeons, weight loss surgery aftercare and expert weight loss specialist dietician support which is the secret of our success. over 99% of our Bariatric surgery patients achieved weight loss after surgery and their lives have had a dramatic change

making them happy and be able to do many things which were not easy or possible before.

If you want to know more about our services and procedures, feel free to contact us or visit our website at


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