BMI Calculator

In March, when pandemic was taking its full charge and people were locked inside their houses with nothing else to do but eat, sleep, repeat, a major issue was taking birth known as obesity. A catastrophic problem that was bound to suck people’s healthy life. The obvious reason behind this was that people were consuming proper three meals a day and not following a regular exercise routine.

According to a proven survey and research 55% of people gained weight during the pandemic, which has been given a name of ‘Quarantine-15’.

Things we neglect in our daily routine:
· Snacking more often
· Ignoring calorie intake
· Not getting enough sleep

At Weight Loss Surgery, we are committed to providing very high standards of surgical excellence in a range of surgical, and non-surgical treatments and procedures.

The main question is that how you can tackle these weight gaining problems?
We suggest you to first take BMI test which will guide you towards your next step.
Now, what is a BMI?

BMI is a measurement that is a ratio of your weight and height. It’s a good way to gauge whether your weight is in healthy proportion to your height.

These BMI results then fall into different categories from which you can judge yourself.

· BMI less than 19 [Underweight]
· BMI of 19 to 25 [Ideal weight]
· BMI of 25 to 30 [Overweight]
· BMI over 30 [Obese]
· BMI over 35 [Sever Obesity]
· BMI over 40 [Morbid Obesity]
· BMI over 50 [Super Obesity]

Here’s a snippet of our calculator, which shows how you can calculate your BMI.
Refer to this link

Once you’ve calculated your weight and if you fall under the overweight category, the diligent surgeons of our health center will offer you array of services. Our surgeons are expert in the field of weight loss surgery.

Just remember that although things might get out of control when you start to follow a healthy diet but after few months, you’ll notice a better you and it’ll make you feel out of this world.

If you have any more queries regarding our facilities, feel free to take a tour of our website at


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